Competitive sports and vital substances by Dr. med. Heinz Lüscher
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Treatment plans for three different cases

Basic supply
Extensive studies show that top athletes have glaring micronutrient deficiencies and are therefore unable to realise their full potential. This often starts with the basic supply..

Supply before and after training / competition
Targeted micronutrients can help improve performance before a training session or competition. There are also natural solutions for rapid regeneration afterwards.

Treatment of injuries
Integrative medicine also has answers for injuries and rehabilitation. Micronutrients support on the way back and accelerate recovery.
0“Micronutrients support me not only on a physical, but also on a mental level.”
1“I was able to clearly increase my performance potential by regularly taking vital substances.”
2“Since I’ve been taking micronutrients, I’m back on my feet and ready to recover much quicker after intense trainings and competitions.”
3“First, I didn’t really get going with vital substances either. It was only during a holistic examination that it was discovered that I have a leaky gut. When my intestines were back in order, I felt the effect of the micronutrients. I wouldn’t want to do without them in my everyday life as an athlete.”
4“I used to be extremely injury-prone. Infections also threw me off track time and again. With the intake of micronutrients, my health became much more stable and I was spared from serious injuries.”
Sports expertise for top performance
To perform at peak levels and expose ourselves to high levels of stress, our bodies rely on support. Today, a balanced diet is not enough. The regular intake of targeted micronutrients is therefore indispensable. This applies not only to competitive athletes, but also to top managers, who also face enormous demands in their daily lives.
In order to be able to provide very specific support and to determine where exactly deficiencies/deficits exist, it is worthwhile to have a holistic check-up with integrative doctors or therapists. In Switzerland, Wise Medicine offers special packages for a holistic check-up.
A lot of encouraging feedback
With a targeted micronutrient supply, numerous athletes have already been helped. What is particularly nice is the fact that these are purely natural substances with no risk of being caught in a doping control. Of course, a little patience and, above all, discipline are also required when taking vital substances. But sooner or later this will pay off.
Receive treatment plans and explanatory videos now
With the therapy plans, you have the most important information right at your fingertips: active ingredients, dosage, time period & remarks on intake.
Competitive sports and vital substances explained professionally.
With the videos of Dr. med. Heinz Lüscher and other top experts from the world of professional sport, you will gain an even broader understanding of the connection between athletic performance and micronutrients.
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German – YouTube Vitalstoffmedizin
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