About us
On this information portal integrative-medicine, we are commited to delivering education and a broad bundle of interesting facts about vital substances (micronutrients) and how they can be used specifically and successfully within integrative medicine (orthomolecular medicine). Immerse yourself in the world of ingenious active substances that nature has in store to keep your body and soul healthy and efficient. If you suffer from a disease, you will find lots of helpful information about the possibilities offered by integrative medicine; what you can do for yourself and where you can get competent help.
We want to win you over and inspire you for integrative medicine.
Dr. med. Heinz Lüscher
A large part of our civilisation diseases is due to a lack of vital substances. These are involved as building blocks in over 100,000 complex metabolic processes in the body, which is why a long-term deficiency upsets it. The consequences can be non-specific symptoms such as fatigue, frequent infections, concentration problems, reduced performance and even various chronic diseases.
Our goals
- Promotion of Integrative Medicine
- Information, education and sensitisation for integrative medicine and its possibilities
- Networking of medical professionals and interested lay people
Our services
- Important vital substances and active ingredients explained in detail and easy to understand
- Blog on current topics in the field of integrative medicine
- Web-Doktor: a collection of the most common diseases and active ingredients that can help
- Addresses of specialists you can contact

Who is behind it?
Association FIMS – Promotion of Integrative Medicine Switzerland
The FIMS association has set itself the goal of promoting various integrative forms of therapy, but in particular vital substance or orthomolecular medicine, to make them better known, to prove their effectiveness and to network specialists with each other. Our vision is to link complementary and conventional treatment approaches so that they can complement each other in a meaningful way, especially in the treatment of chronic conditions. So that patients receive the best possible holistic treatment.
Our services are intended for interested lay people, e.g. people with chronic diseases who are not getting anywhere with conventional medicine and are looking for alternatives. On the other hand, therapists with a background in complementary medicine and medical professionals should also feel welcome.
On the one hand, the online portal www.vitalstoffmedizin.ch serves this purpose. It provides a wide range of information in the field of vital substance and orthomolecular medicine and is suitable for interested laypersons as well as for therapists with a background in complementary medicine and for qualified personnel in orthodox medicine to build up a good basic knowledge.
On the other hand, we organise public expert lectures on topics related to vital substance therapy, which are based on cost prices, so that everyone can benefit.
We are a growing group of professionals in the field of integrative medicine (orthomolecular medicine).
For doctors, we offer education and training events with experienced speakers of the highest calibre in their field. These seminars are intended to be affordable for interested parties and are therefore also based on cost prices and are not profit-oriented. The trainings are of course further education accredited. At these events there is also the opportunity to come into contact with experts, companies, products and application possibilities from Integrative Medicine at exhibition stands, to ask questions and to network.
We have a whole range of valuable relationships with vital substance doctors, therapists, speakers, etc. at home and abroad and would like as many people as possible to benefit from your knowledge and experience. We are therefore happy to arrange contacts and help with networking.
We are also looking forward to welcoming more innovative staff to our Centre of Excellence for Integrative Medicine Wise Medicine in Winterthur, as further locations are planned both at home and abroad.
The FIMS association functions on a donation basis and is not for profit.
Our goals
- Making integrative medicine known to lay people and medical professionals
- Information opportunities / training and further education for lay people and medical professionals
- Networking of medical professionals with or without experience in integrative medicine
- Providing work opportunities in the field of integrative medicine

Partners’ Links

Get Healthy and Stay Healthy Guide
Do you want to get healthy and stay healthy but don’t know how? Read my guide – The Power of Natural Nutrients……