Green Coffee Bean Extract
Dr. med. Heinz Lüscher
Losing weight can become a big challenge. Therefore, products that facilitate weight loss are always welcome and popular. Green coffee extract is a herbal remedy that can help you lose weight, but of course, in addition, you need to take into account a few important points, such as diet and lifestyle.
Green coffee beans
Green coffee is not a special type of coffee, it is simply the still green coffee beans before roasting. If the green beans growing on the coffee tree are not roasted, which is necessary for coffee production, they have a significantly different effect. Green coffee can be prepared and drunk just like roasted coffee, but it tastes completely different, more like herbal or green tea. The extract we are talking about here is obtained from green, ripe coffee beans and contains the ingredients in a concentrated form.

Green Coffee Bean Extract in the video
Learn more about the green coffee bean extract (Coffea Vida) and the vital substances it contains in the video with Dr. Heinz Lüscher.
Obesity – a social problem
Worldwide, an estimated 2 billion people are overweight! In Switzerland, around 42 percent of the adult population is overweight (body mass index BMI of more than 25), of which 11 percent are obese (BMI of > 30). Around 15 percent of children and adolescents are overweight/obese (as of 2021, Federal Office of Public Health). The costs of all secondary diseases of overweight alone amount to more than 6 billion Swiss francs in Switzerland. The most common secondary diseases of overweight are cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus type 2 and some types of cancer. The psychological pressure on those affected adds to the suffering.
The Yoyo-Effect
Dozens of methods are advertised to lose weight safely. Almost all of them actually result in a certain weight reduction at the beginning, but in the end the patients often weigh even more than before the “treatment”.
As far as is known today, weight loss with green coffee extract lasts in the long term. However, you will not be able to expect miracles from taking green coffee extract alone. A long-term change in diet is necessary in any case.
Green Coffee Beans reduce Weight
In a random, placebo controlled, double-blind study (normal criteria for a scientific study) it could be demonstrated that participants taking Green Coffee Extract for 22 weeks on average lost 7.70 kg of weight without any change to their normal eating habits and/or sporting activities. The only criticism of this study was that it only had 22 participants, yet the result was very encouraging and has been confirmed by further studies (see the link below).
The Green Coffee Beans contain:
- Chlorogenic Acids
- Caffeine
- 15 Amino Acids
- Lipids
- Carbohydrates
- Complete Vitamin B-Complex and Vitamin C
- Minerals
- Enzymes
Chlorogenic Acids
Chlorogenic acid is the most important ingredient in terms of weight loss, chlorogenic acid has proven weight-reducing properties. This acid is also found in many other plants, e.g. blueberries, kiwi, plums, cherries, apples, also in Echinacea and St. John’s wort. The amount of chlorogenic acid in these plants is 0.5 to 2%. In green coffee beans, the amount of chlorogenic acid is 4-14%. However, if the beans are roasted, most of the chlorogenic acid is lost, which is why “normal” coffee is not suitable for weight loss.
The Effects of Chlorogenic Acids
The effects of Green Coffee Extract on weight are:
- Chlorogenic Acids inhibit the absorption of Glucose in the intestine.
- Chlorogenic Acids inhibit the enzyme Glucose-6-Phosphatase, which results in the accelerated depletion of the Glycogen store in the liver and muscle tissue.
- Chlorogenic Acids inhibits the enzyme amylase, which limits the splitting up of carbohydrates into glucose.
Thus the blood sugar level rises slower after a meal which inhibits the building of fat reserves. Added to that Chlorogenic Acids also increase the mitochondrial energy level (cellular), increase fat burning in the cells, increase serotonin levels, reduce blood pressure slightly and it is thought to slow the onset and/or progression of Alzheimer dementia.
The proven bio-availability (how much of the active ingredient is absorbed into the blood) is around a third. The known side effect of Chlorogenic Acids are that they can lead to higher Homocysteine levels.
Coffee is known for its high content of caffeine. The side effects of it can be sleep disorders, nervousness or increased blood pressure. A cup of coffee contains about 100 mg of caffeine, while a capsule with 200 mg of green coffee bean extract contains only 8 mg of caffeine. Therefore, practically no caffeine side effects are to be expected. There is also green coffee extract from the Robusta Canephora Pierre bean variety, which is caffeine-free. This is suitable for people who are sensitive to caffeine.

Treatment of Obesity
If you want to lose weight, you should not resort to a radical cure and fast completely. The body then switches to an emergency program and prevents fat loss. Only water is excreted and muscles are reduced.
Ideally, you reduce calorie intake by only 10%, and carbohydrates should be taken only in the morning and at noon. Carbohydrates in the evening increase insulin levels throughout the night, which blocks fat loss.

Exercise and sports, while important and highly recommended for healthy living, ultimately contribute little to weight loss.
My recommendation: halve the portion of side dishes (pasta, potatoes, bread, rice) and double the portion of vegetables. Always eat the salad first, this will already achieve a first feeling of satiety and you automatically eat a little less. If possible, avoid sweets and sweet drinks altogether.
Those who do not lose a gram despite all these measures should have the hormone progesterone measured in their saliva, because a deficiency also prevents fat loss.
Products with green coffee extract
Accompanying dietary supplements with green coffee extract help to lose weight. I recommend a product that, in addition to the fat burner chlorogenic acid, also contains the amino acid L-carinitine and brown algae powder.
400 mg per day: 200 mg in the morning and 200 mg in the evening 30 minutes before meals.