Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) is a young, modern and holistic medical discipline that explores the interrelationships between the psyche, nerves and immune system and their influence on our physical and mental health. PNI thus follows the old principle of the WHO: health is not merely the absence of disease or infirmity, but a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being. This must be our goal! PNI sees the immune system as a mirror of our mental and spiritual condition and vice versa.
Scientists found out a few years ago that protein molecules of the nervous and immune systems influence cell communication as messenger substances. They were also able to show that cells of the immune system can form the same messenger substances as the nerve cells. Today it is proven that thoughts and emotions – positive as well as negative – influence and control physical processes. Negative feelings that are not expressed damage the body, while positive feelings result in a strengthening of the immune system.
In other words, the way we feel is the way our immune system feels. As we get angry, so does our immune system. As we are emotionally burdened, so is our immune system and is correspondingly dysfunctional. We expect more from ourselves than our body can tolerate. If, on the other hand, we succeed in supporting and strengthening our psyche, nerves and immune system in a targeted manner, this has desirable effects on the other subsystems! A positive dynamic and upward spiral is set in motion, which can be self-reinforcing. Thus, the overall effect is greater than the sum of the effects in the individual subsystems. By means of psychoneuroimmunological therapies something like a feel-good button can be pressed in the human being
The deduced and decisive consequence is that the targeted administration of certain substances as food supplements can have a lasting positive influence on this complex system. This requires the combination of herbal medicinal substances and vitamins as well as trace elements, whose active substance profile is particularly suitable for influencing disturbed metabolic states and (re)establishing the balance in the human body. Guiding principle: An awake immune system strengthens nerves and psyche and vice versa
This becomes especially important after a medical intervention or prick. We still know very little about the currently ongoing large-scale gene therapy experiment, because it has been completely inadequately validated or clinically researched beforehand. The necessary studies were terminated prematurely or not carried out at all. One thing is certain: spike proteins – of which we still do not know how many are produced and how long they remain in the body – are by their nature membrane toxic and thus always neurotoxic. The bad news is that you can’t get this stuff out of the body any time soon. Expelling and detoxifying is easier said than done. The good news is: You can support the rest of the body, strengthen the self-healing powers and set a positive spiral in motion, which can far exceed the negative effects mentioned. PNI therapies and products are particularly suitable for this purpose because they take a holistic approach, activate the self-healing powers (scientifically proven) and make use of the synergy effects between the psyche, nervous and immune systems. The traditional approach of “holistic support” is rethought and interpreted in a modern way
PNI products, however, point far beyond current developments. That psychological complaints are widespread is obvious and a truism. A large proportion of people suffer from permanent stress and seek support in the whirlpool of strain. Tranquilizers and sleeping pills drive sales in pharmacies, although at best they alleviate the symptoms and miss the real root causes. Neurological diseases are on the rise and are a great burden for those affected and their relatives. A healthy, well-functioning immune system, which can perform its tasks without overshooting (autoimmune diseases!) and can keep our body free of pathogens, invaders and derailments of our own cells, is ultimately in our very own interest
Psychoneuroimmunologically effective products (PNI products) hardly exist so far. Their holistic principle results from the strengthening of the defenses via the immune system (I-component) and the supplementation of this immunological effect by the psychological/neurological control of well-being (P/N-component). PNI products are therefore not symptom killers, but health tuners: they understand the immune system as the nucleus of health complaints and retune it – supported and interdependent on the positive effects on the psyche and nervous system.the herbal and preferably orally available PNI products for strengthening the defenses and well-being are perfect sources of energy for people who want to return to the original and achieve and maintain their physical and mental health in harmony with their body’s own nature