Natural treatment of hay fever
Pollen allergy
20% of our population suffers from allergic diseases, especially hay fever. Everyone affected complains of the very unpleasant symptoms that spoil the joy of spring and summer.
What are allergies (hay fever)
An allergy is an excessive reaction of the immune system to a normally harmless substance such as bee pollen, house dust, pet dander or food. The most common symptoms are a runny or stuffy nose, itching of the nose and eyes, frequent sneezing, difficulty breathing or rashes. With any allergy, the body produces too much histamine, which leads to swelling in the skin and mucous membranes.
What does conventional medicine offer
In conventional medicine, allergies can be treated quite successfully with antihistamines or cortisone in the form of tablets or nasal sprays. Desensitization dampens the body’s reactions to allergens, but it must be carried out for at least 3 years and the results are not always satisfactory. What you are allergic to can be researched with the prick test or better with intracutaneous tests.
How can hay fever be treated naturally
For all allergy sufferers who are tired of medication, nature has a gift ready: Aronia extract (I recommend the product Aronia Vida). The aronia berries contain high concentrations of various anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic polyphenols, including a lot of OPC. This bouquet of polyphenols blocks the histamine, which is responsible for the swollen mucous membranes.
In severe cases, a food intolerance test and blocking of histamine in the small intestine are recommended, but this requires a visit to the practice.
How should aronia be taken
In order to get through the pollen season with practically no symptoms, 4 capsules of aronia extract must be taken throughout the day. There is no preparation time, you can start when the first symptoms appear and stop when the pollen season is over. In my experience, the effectiveness of aronia extract in hay fever is excellent. Enjoy spring and summer!
Dr. med. Heinz Lüscher
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