MS treated with OPC (multiple sclerosis)
Until I visited a classmate with severe MS illness after many years, I only knew OPC from “hear say”. Your current condition and your personal report convinced me very much. Although she was always up to date with conventional medical treatment, it was only after treatment with the vital substances mentioned in the report that her quality of life improved dramatically, she says. The flare-ups have decreased significantly and vitality has returned.
Dr. med. Heinz Lüscher
Dr. med. Heinz Lüscher ist Orthomolekularmediziner, Vitalstoffexperte und leitender Arzt der Praxis Wise Medicine AG. Er ist begeistert von den Möglichkeiten, welche eine natürliche, nachhaltige und am Menschen orientierte Medizin bietet und will das Beste aus Schul- und Komplementärmedizin kombinieren.